White dining room with wooden table

How to repair plaster after a pipe has burst

1. Ensure the surface is clean, dry and free from loose material. Rub down gloss surfaces.

2. Touch in nails and screw heads with oil-based paint and ensure wiring is insulated.

3. Give the Polycell Plaster Repair Polyfilla a good stir, so it has a creamy consistency.

4. Using a filling knife, trowel or float, apply Polycell Plaster Repair Polyfilla to damaged surface in upward, sweeping strokes.

5. Maintain a firm and even pressure. Do not fill more than 50mm in one application.

6. Gently smooth off the surface with a clean, wet float. You should clean and wet the float between strokes. Alternatively, use a length of straight wooden batten, drawing it gently across the surface, wetting as needed.

7. Once the surface is firm, but before it dries, re-wet and polish the surface with a clean float for a smooth finish.

8. Allow the surface to dry for at least 24 hours. This may take several days for deeper repairs.

9. After use, place the lid firmly back on the Polycell Plaster Repair Polyfilla tub and wash your tools in warm water.

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