Polycell Plaster Repair - Ready Mixed

For large areas of damaged plaster..Ideal for use before Polycell Smoothover
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Key benefits
  • Dries in 24 hours (depending on conditions)
  • Use indoors for plaster, plasterboard and masonry
  • Ideal for repairing large areas up to 50mm deep
Technical Information
  • Drying Time Dry in 24 hours (depending on conditions)
  • Recoatable Dry in 24 hours (depending on conditions)
Product Features
  • Easy use
  • Easy sand

Product Description

Polycell Plaster Repair is ideal for repairing large areas of damaged plaster. The specially formulated powder is much easier to apply and smooth out than ordinary plaster. It gives a smooth,white, 'ready to decorate' finish to all masonry surfaces and will not slump, shrink or crack.

Application Description

HOW TO USE : 1) Ensure surface is dry and free from loose material. Rub down gloss surfaces. 2) Touch In nails and screw heads with oil based paint and ensure all wiring is insulated 3) Stir to a creamy consistency 4) Dampen the repair area to improve adhesion 5) Apply with a filling knife, trowel or float, with sweeping strokes. Maintain a firm, even pressure 6) Do not fill more than 50mm in one application 7) Gently smooth off with a clean, wet float, cleaning and wetting the float between strokes. Alternatively use a length of straight wooden batten, drawing it gently across the surface, wetting as required. 8) Once the surface is firm but before it dries hard, re-wet and polish with a clean tool for a perfectly smooth finish. 9) Allow at least 24 hours to dry (several days for deeper repairs). Sand smooth if necessary.

Technical & Safety Documentation

Tips & Advice

  • 1. Preparing the Surfaces
    BEFORE USE : Ensure surface is sound and free of loose material. Touch in nails and screw heads with a suitable metal primer and ensure all wiring is insulated and isolated.
  • 2. Cleaning
    AFTER USE - Store any unused powder in dry conditions. Remove excess filler from tools before cleaning in warm water.
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