Polycell Quick Drying Polyfilla Spray

The effortless way to fill hairline cracks and minor surface imperfections
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Key benefits
  • Hairline cracks: Ready to paint in 2 minutes (depending on conditions). For wider or deeper cracks, use Polycell Advanced Polyfilla
  • For all types of smooth walls
  • Use indoors
Technical Information
  • Drying Time 2 minutes
  • Recoatable 2 minutes
Product Features
  • Quickdry
  • Easy use
  • Free of sanding

Product Description

Polycell Quick Drying Polyfilla Spray offers a unique application method within the Polyfilla range that makes repairing hairline cracks and minor surface imperfections on smooth interior walls fast and easy. The Polyfilla Spray has been specially developed to provide a less-mess formulation - simply spray it on and smooth off. Please read the instructions carefully to ensure best results.

Application Description

HOW TO USE : 1) Remove the cap, hold the can upright and spray lightly halfway onto the crack. 2) Work the filler well into the crack with a filling knife, smooth off removing any excess filler and allow to dry. 3) If further smoothing is required, rub down with fine sandpaper. 4) When finished, invert can and spray into a rag until no more product comes out to clear the nozzle.

Technical & Safety Documentation

Tips & Advice

  • 1. Preparing the Surfaces
    BEFORE USE: 1) Make sure the surface and the crack are dry and free of loose particles. Shake can vigorously until the shaker ball is heard, then shake for another 10 seconds. 2) Before applying to the wall, spray the product for about 3 seconds onto a rag or similar to get rid of any excess propellant.
  • 2. Cleaning
    AFTER USE - 1) Hold the can upside down and spray onto a rag or similar for 3 seconds to empty the valve of remaining filler and prevent future blockage. 2) Remove excess filler from tools before cleaning in warm water. 3) Polycell Quick Drying Polyfilla Spray can be overpainted with any type of emulsion
  • 3. Storing
    Do not store in extremes of temperature and protect from frost
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