Polycell Polyfilla SmoothOver for Damaged and Textured Walls
Gives a smooth surface that’s ready to paint….
Your Measurements:
Amount Needed:
For the best result we recommend to use
{coatAmount} for {productTitle}
Dries in 24 hours (depending on conditions)
For textured surfaces on plaster, plasterboard or painted masonry surfaces and other textured backgrounds
Use indoors
Coverage 2.5 litres will cover up to 5m²(average layer thickness 0.5mm).
Drying Time 24 hours
Recoatable 24 hours
Easy use
Free of sanding
Product Description
Polycell Polyfilla SmoothOver for Damaged & Textured Walls is the easy way to create a perfect foundation for a great finish. Its special self-levelling formula fills between ridges and bumps and covers cracks and large areas of damage giving a smooth finish that’s ready to paint.
Application Description
HOW TO USE : 1) Stir the product well to a creamy consistency. 2) Immerse the SmoothOver Roller fully into the Polyfilla SmoothOver so that the roller is covered in product. 3) Gently roll the product out onto the wall, covering an area of about 1m². Smooth off using the SmoothOver Wiper in an arc over the surface of the product, ensuring that all texture is fully covered. 4) Continue across the wall 1m² at a time, overlapping each section to ensure an even coverage. Allow to dry. 5) Apply a second coat if needed. When surface is fully dry, lightly sand down small irregularities and tramlines for a perfectly smooth finish. 6) Your walls are now ready to decorate, don't worry if your background colour shows through, this will be covered when you decorate.
Technical & Safety Documentation
Tips & Advice
1. Preparing the SurfacesBEFORE YOU START : Cover furniture and carpets. Make sure the surface is clean, dry and free from loose particles and mould. Fill any holes deeper than 4mm with an appropriate Polycell Polyfilla and sand down well. Seal stains with Polycell Stain Stop. Touch in nails or screws with a suitable metal primer to avoid corrosion. Scrape off any high peaks from the textured surface with a pallet knife.
2. CleaningAFTER USE - Remove excess product from tools before washing with warm water
3. StoringDo not use or store in extremes of temperature and protect from frost
How much paint do I need?
Measure the height and length of the surface you want to paint (in metres or centimetres).

Your Measurements:
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Amount needed:
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This is an estimated based on 2 coats. Actual coverage will depend on the conditions of the surface. If the colour change is strong, more coats may be required.