Polycell For Wood Hardener
Polycell Polyfilla for Wood Hardener is a specialised liquid formulation that penetrates deeply into exterior and interior decayed or rotten wood
Your Measurements:
Amount Needed:
For the best result we recommend to use
{coatAmount} for {productTitle}
Fortifies decayed and rotten wood
Sets rock hard
Creates a solid base for filling
Exterior and Interior use
Drying Time 6 hours
Recoatable 6 hours
Product Description
Polycell Polyfilla for Wood Hardener is a specialised liquid formulation that penetrates deeply into exterior and interior decayed or rotten wood. It hardens the softened fibres, seals the surface against moisture penetration and forms a solid base for filling once dry. Use in cponjunction with Polycell Polyfilla for Wood Large Repairs woodfiller for a long lasting repair.
Application Description
HOW TO USE : 1) Shake can well prior to use. 2) Decant product into the cap and apply liberally to the affected and immediate surrounding area with a paint brush, ensuring full saturation of the wood for maximum absorption. Note: drilling small holes into the affected area can achieve an even deeper hardening effect. 3) For best results apply 2-3 coats and leave to dry for 6 hours. 4) Remove excess product with a wire brush before filling the damaged area with Polycell Polyfilla for Wood Large Repairs. 5) Prior to painting, staining or varnishing, sand off any remaining wood hardener.
Technical & Safety Documentation
Tips & Advice
1. Preparing the SurfacesBEFORE USE : Remove all decayed and soft wood fibres until a fairly sound base is exposed. Before applying the product, remove all loose material and ensure that the wood is dry and free from grease, dust or oil.
2. CleaningAFTER USE - Replace cap and remove excess product from tools before cleaning with white spirit.
How much paint do I need?
Measure the height and length of the surface you want to paint (in metres or centimetres).

Your Measurements:
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Amount needed:
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This is an estimated based on 2 coats. Actual coverage will depend on the conditions of the surface. If the colour change is strong, more coats may be required.